Thursday, April 1, 2010

Subliminal suggestion

Subliminal suggestion is about persuading someone to something without their knowledge. This is the best kind of persuasion because it usually will result with people thinking that the suggestion was their own idea and therefore be more open to it. There are many different methods of implanting suggestion subliminally and they differ if you are focusing on many people or an individual person.

Subliminal suggestion on an individual

This is all about your ability to control a conversation and steer it in the direction that leads to your suggestion. Remember that you can not directly tell them what you want them to do but get to understand their emotional triggers so that you know when they are on and off guard. The best time to implant suggestion is to steer the conversation until they say or mention what you want them to and then confirm and reconfirm that that is a great idea of theirs. Other methods include physical touch and using it when you are confirming “their” suggestion. Touch is a very powerful tool and I can not count the amount of times where a simple touch on the shoulder or squeeze of a hand has transferred into getting my desired result.

Subliminal suggestion on a group of people

The best form of subliminal persuasion that was done on a mass of people was by Coke when they started flashing ad’s on TV that were less than a second. The word Coke was flashed on the screen to fast for you to see what exactly was shown however your subconscious would analyze the image and make the connection. This would then translate to you thinking about Coke but without directly thinking about it. This form of subliminal suggestion was so powerful it became banned on TV. By understanding this about our subconscious you can effectively persuade a group of people without their knowledge. I suggest using montages on video displayed as a motivational clip, slip in some images that relate to your objective and your audience will definitely be already warmed up for your suggestions. This is highly controversial so be careful when using it!

There are many other techniques and I will cover them in this blog so never fear, you will know what you need to know to become a subliminal persuasion master.