Saturday, March 20, 2010

The art of persuasion

Being able to persuade others is a very powerful tool because every leader in this World, every person with power has mastered the art of persuasion. Whether your agenda is world domination, making the world a better place, growing a company, getting sales, attracting the opposite sex or simply being in a position of control you need to understand this amazing art that is persuasion.

There are different methods used to persuade others such as speech, touch, writing, visual techniques and emotional persuasion also. The key is to understand which method to use in the appropriate situation so you can have the most advantage over your “subjects”.

Who should you learn the art of persuasion from?

At the moment for a basic introduction I would highly recommend learning common sales techniques (especially fear of loss) because these simply work and set you up with the tools to further enhance your persuasion techniques. The best form of hard hitting sales is “cold calling” where you approach complete strangers, build rapport and convince them to buy something on the spot.

The next step in your persuasion journey, hypnosis would be a wise decision because this digs into our NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and allows you to understand how to trigger emotions and use them to your advantage in a covert way. I would recommend conversational hypnosis because this is designed purely for strangers and to influence without induction.

Once you have mastered the above techniques then it is time for you to use this information to tailor your own individual persuasive art because we each have our own strengths that we should use and this will turn you into a persuasion master.

Using other resources for persuasion

If you want to use things like television, print or events to persuade then your strategies change because you have to create your campaign to suit the masses. This means that the focus has to be on either your niche market or common triggers that are present in the majority of the population.

A great example is movie trailers where they are trying to convince as many people as possible to see the upcoming movie. They always play on emotion to provide a rise in your interest and get your imagination working on all possibilities of how good this experience will be.

Learning these forms of persuasion are more commercial and I would advise looking into the media would for further information.

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